
Volunteer opportunities include pulling invasive weeds and out-planting native vegetation in coastal wetlands, harvesting and preparing native sedge for Hawaiian cultural uses, and cleaning the nene enclosure and trimming wings following the end of breeding season molt.

Ohiapilo Pond Bird Sanctuary - Photo© 2009 Arleone Dibben

Donations needed:
Binoculars, scopes, GPS units, water sampling kits, salinity refractometers, Rite-in-the-Rain No. 200 field ring binders,
No. 392 Journal and No. 395 Blank loose leaf paper, and annual funding for website upgrading and maintenance.

Nene O Molokai
P.O. Box 580
Kaunakakai, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i

(808) 553-5992

Email us


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